
NSF Headers

The following parses the header for an NES Sound Format (NSF) file and prints it in a human-readable format:

import bread as b
import sys

def hex_array(x):
    return str(map(hex, x))

nsf_header = [
    ('magic_number', b.array(5, b.byte),
     {"str_format": hex_array}),
    ('version', b.byte),
    ('total_songs', b.byte),
    ('starting_song', b.byte),
    ('load_addr', b.uint16, {"str_format": hex}),
    ('init_addr', b.uint16, {"str_format": hex}),
    ('play_addr', b.uint16, {"str_format": hex}),
    ('title', b.string(32)),
    ('artist', b.string(32)),
    ('copyright', b.string(32)),
    ('ntsc_speed', b.uint16),
    ('bankswitch_init', b.array(8, b.byte), {"str_format": hex_array}),
    ('pal_speed', b.uint16),
    ('ntsc', b.boolean),
    ('pal', b.boolean),
    ('ntsc_and_pal', b.boolean),
    ('vrc6', b.boolean),
    ('vrc7', b.boolean),
    ('fds', b.boolean),
    ('mmc5', b.boolean),
    ('namco_106', b.boolean),
    ('fme07', b.boolean),

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as fp:
    header = b.parse(fp, nsf_header)
    print header

Here are a couple of examples of its output:

$ python nsf_header.py Mega_Man_2.nsf

magic_number: ['0x4e', '0x45', '0x53', '0x4d', '0x1a']
version: 1
total_songs: 24
starting_song: 1
load_addr: 0x8000
init_addr: 0x8003
play_addr: 0x8000
title: Mega Man 2
artist: Ogeretsu,Manami,Ietel,YuukiChan
copyright: 1988,1989 Capcom Co. Ltd.
ntsc_speed: 16666
bankswitch_init: ['0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0']
pal_speed: 0
ntsc: False
pal: False
ntsc_and_pal: False
vrc6: False
vrc7: False
fds: False
mmc5: False
namco_106: False
fme07: False

$ python nsf_header.py Super_Mario_Bros.nsf

magic_number: ['0x4e', '0x45', '0x53', '0x4d', '0x1a']
version: 1
total_songs: 18
starting_song: 1
load_addr: 0x8dc4
init_addr: 0xbe34
play_addr: 0xf2d0
title: Super Mario Bros.
artist: Koji Kondo
copyright: 1985 Nintendo
ntsc_speed: 16666
bankswitch_init: ['0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x1', '0x1', '0x1', '0x1']
pal_speed: 0
ntsc: False
pal: False
ntsc_and_pal: False
vrc6: False
vrc7: False
fds: False
mmc5: False
namco_106: False
fme07: False